Humanity has not evolved spiritually since our inception. We are still fighting in wars and killing one another. The problem is our governments. The “Will of the People Must Supersede the Will of the Government”. It used to be that way, but is no more. The war in Gaza is a sad example of our lack of spiritual evolution. Even worse, the US government is supporting Israel to continue what is turning out to be a genocidal effort. We cannot support either side and must do whatever is possible to stop the killing.
The only solution is for “We the People” to come together with strength in numbers and in unity and solidarity and take charge of our government to stop the madness. We invite you to join now to be part of the unified effort to take back our Constitutional Republic. It is free.
We must do whatever it takes to stop killing, stop wars, save the women and children from this type of horror. I LOVE that War Is Not An Option! We The People Must Keep Standing Up For What is Right!
Yes love each other. Stop abusing women and treating them inferior, protect their reputations and stop gossiping about them. Single, married, single moms, and divorced. The reason being it's not loving and bad karma will ensue. If you think that your bad actions towards women will not give you bad karma, then you have to think again. Women are God's children and the eternal laws apply to them truly as well. You have to treat all with respect, because whether you have the same beliefs or not it's your actions that reap the bad reward if your actions are bad.