Helene SURVIVOR Francesco Garripoli reports from a mountain near Asheville, NC - Complete DEVASTATION beyond nightmares

Deep Dive

This is from Mike Adams and the reason for our picture above.

MASSIVE CHEMTRAILING took place right before Helene hit (weaponized weather). This photo was taken in NC by one of the survivors I'm interviewing. Massive chemtrail inundation in the skies right before Helene hit...

The interview is between Mike Adams and Our 20 plus year partner Francesco Garripoli.

These are incredible times that are more like a double edged sword. On one side, you have the chaos, fear, and confusion which is completely understandable. On the other side you have opportunity, community, and people, “We The People” to take charge and put an end to this stuff.

An old saying that resonates with myself to this day. “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”. We are standing! Such a powerful statement if you think about it. Why do you think we named our movement People United?

My conclusion is this. We will come out on the right side of this in the long run and it really does come down to 2 basic things.

First and so critical is to handle the currant situation. I am so encourage at the response, love, care, EMPATHY, I am seeing it brings tears to my eyes. This what the country was founded on!!!!!!!

2… We can lay the foundation down. Think of our founding fathers sitting in a room and having this type of conversation that we are now starting to have. We are learning to stand together and the hard truth is that it’s going to get rough for a long time.

Are you willing to stand up to this? To preserve this for not only our children but our children’s children? I am and that folks is the core of being a PATRIOT.

In Lak’ech

David Saputo

People United